Srednjelancani trigliceridi (MCT) sadrze zasicene masne kiseline i imaju jedinstveno svojstvo koje im omogucava brzu pretvorbu u energiju

Posted on: 24. lipnja 2012

Srednjelancani trigliceridi (MCT) sadrze zasicene masne kiseline srednje duzine lanca. Imaju jedinstveno svojstvo koje im omogucava brzu pretvorbu u energiju. Ulaze direktno u krvotok i odmah se razgraduju za namicanje energije. Po tom svojstvu su slicniji ugljikohidratima (brza energija) nego mastima (spora energija). Najcesce ih koriste sportasi u disciplinama izdrzljivosti. Istrazivanja pokazuju da sportasi za poboljsanje rezultata trebaju dnevno uzimati najmanje 50 grama sa ugljikohidratima tijekom sportskog napora. Privikavanje je neophodno jer su moguce probavne tegobe.

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2. Berning JR. The role of medium-chain triglycerides in exercise. Int J Sport Nutr 1996;6:121–33 [review].

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4. Van Zyl CG, Lambert EV, Hawley JA, et al. Effects of medium-chain triglyceride ingestion on carbohydrate metabolism and cycling performance. J Appl Physiol 1996;80:2217–25.

5. Jeukendrup AE, Thielen JJ, Wagenmakers AJ, et al. Effect of medium-chain triacylglycerol and carbohydrate ingestion during exercise on substrate utilization and subsequent cycling performance. Am J Clin Nutr 1998;67:397–404.

6. Misell LM, Lagomarcino ND, Schuster V, Kern M. Chronic medium-chain triacylglycerol consumption and endurance performance in trained runners. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 2001;41:210–5.

7. Van Zyl CG, Lambert EV, Hawley JA, et al. Effects of medium-chain triglyceride ingestion on fuel metabolism and cycling performance. J Appl Physiol 1996;80:2217–25.

8. Angus DJ, Hargreaves M, Dancey J, Febbraio MA. Effect of carbohydrate or carbohydrate plus medium-chain triglyceride ingestion on cycling time trial performance. J Appl Physiol 2000;88:113–9.

9. Jeukendrup AE, Thielen JJ, Wagenmakers AJ, et al. Effect of medium-chain triacylglycerol and carbohydrate ingestion during exercise on substrate utilization and subsequent cycling performance. Am J Clin Nutr 1998;67:397–404.

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